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Call for BHR Board Candidates

Blackhawk Ranch Property Owners Association Call for Board of Directors Candidates

In 2023, we will have two opening slots for the Blackhawk Ranch (BHR) Property Owners Association (POA) Board of Directors. Susanne Bloomfield and Brad Brooks will finish two consecutive two-year terms (elected in 2019). Art Jackson, Nancy Pasternak and Jim Nance who were elected in 2022, have another year to serve on the POA Board prior to their terms ending.

The two open slots this year will be filled by vote in our regularly scheduled election at the 2023 BHR Annual POA Meeting. Any members of the BHR POA in good standing are eligible to run for these slots. If you are a member of the Blackhawk Ranch POA in good standing and are interested in putting your name forward for one of the two open slots, please submit a short biographical statement of intent to Tammy Smith ( to be considered for one of these slots. These must be received no later than June 12, 2023. Please respond by this date without exception, so the POA Board can assemble your nomination information into the Annual Meeting Packet that will go out to all BHR POA members in mid-June. Nominations will also be taken from the floor during the Annual Meeting.

The 2023 Blackhawk Ranch Annual Meeting will be held on July 1, 2023. The Annual Meeting will be held at La Veta Mercantile, 300 South Main, La Veta, Colorado. Registration will begin at 09:00 and the meeting will start at 10:00. We hope to see you there!

Best regards to all,

Brad Brooks, President

Blackhawk Ranch POA Board of Directors

(719) 252-5621


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