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Call for Nominations for BOD

This year, due to resignations of two previously elected board members, both serving the last year of their term, the POA Board of Directors is now comprised of Brad Books, Susanne Bloomfield, Art Jackson, Nancy Pasternak, and Jim Nance. Nancy and Jim very graciously consented to fill the open 1-year slots left by the resignations. So, the board election scenario for 2020 yields 3 open slots: 1) Art Jackson was elected to fill a 1-year slot in 2019; 2) Nancy Pasternack graciously accepted our request to serve a 1 year term to fill an open 1-year slot; 3) Jim Nance graciously accepted our request to serve a 1 year term to fill an open slot. These slots will be filled by vote in our regularly scheduled election at the 2020 BHR Annual meeting. Any members of the BHR POA in good standing are eligible to run for these slots. As president of the board, I want to thank Art, Jim and Nancy for their extraordinary service to the BHR Ranch and gently remind them that they too are eligible to run for these open slots. If you are a member of the Blackhawk Ranch POA in good standing and are interested in putting your name forward for one of these open slots, please submit a short bio and statement of intent to Brad Brooks ( to be considered for one of these slots by July 1st 2020, so the POA BOD can assemble your information into the Annual Meeting Information Packet that will go out to all Blackhawk POA members in early July.


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