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Calling All New (<2yrs) and other interested Blackhawk Property Owners

Blackhawk 2022 Firewise Community Day

Given our high hazard fire weather this spring, and the ongoing 23yr + drought across Colorado, don’t you wish you knew where to start and what resources you have available to you regarding fire adapting your property or even hardening your home against potential wildland fires?

Better yet, if you are considering building on you land, what are the considerations and decisions that would yield the most fire hardened materials and construction outcomes?

Well, you are in Luck! On Saturday May 7, from 10:00 - 12:00, on lot # 118 (Corey Spur) we are honored to be hosting Paul Branson of the Colorado State Forest Service to discuss not only the most prudent steps to mitigate your properties, but also what you can do to build the most fire hardened structures. While Paul is here, we will also ask him to do a “walking and talking” with regard to where to begin mitigating your forest and the kinds of considerations necessary to thin and trim up trees and remove ladder fuels.

Bring your camp chairs and a sack lunch so we can further discuss wildland fire mitigation and new County regulations that will impact any use of open fires on Blackhawk Ranch. You will not regret having to make a special trip to Blackhawk for this event.

Please RSVP to Brad Brooks or 719-252-5621

MAY 7 - 10:00-12:00 - Lot # 118 (Corey Spur) - Bring camp chairs and a sack lunch


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