Good morning, neighbors. Snow measurements are showing 4 to 5 inches total accumulation on roads and on snow cameras that I'm able to access. Snow removal has not been requested since we are not measuring 6 inches and it has stopped snowing. Have a wonderful day and stay warm!
Please check the blog for news on snow plowing, weather and other important announcements.
The BHR POA Board of Directors have created a new initiative called BHR Connect.
What: every other month starting on January 25, 2025, some board and EMC members will meet at a location to hear thoughts, concerns, ideas from POA members that come to the meeting.
When: Saturday, January 25, 2025, at 10am
Where: the first BHR Connect will be at the Walsenburg Mercantile
If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to this email.